I moved off Blue Moon in late September.  I loved that boat; she carried me on my first overnight sail, my first blue water sail, my first ocean passage, and 10,000 nautical miles. On her, I became a member of a tribe of cruisers I love and admire. It breaks my heart to think I’ll never sail her again, that I’m not a cruiser anymore.


After every Blue Moon, a New Moon rises. I am a 39-year-old financially independent, educated and skilled woman. I can go absolutely anywhere in the world I want, and do absolutely anything I put my mind to. For now I’ve decided to go back to my roots – back to the water. I’m moving to Bonaire to do a scuba diving internship. Everyday, I get to dive in my favorite Caribbean waters.


Bonaire Bound!



The glass isn’t just half full. It flows over. Dive ho!

New Moon Rising

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13 thoughts on “New Moon Rising

    1. Thank you Vivian. I will find my way back onto a boat soon enough. In the meantime, I’m hoping to keep posting all the backlog from the last few years. I hope you’ll keep reading.

  1. This is beautifully written, and you are a beautiful person and friend. Looking forward to your next adventures.

  2. Once a cruiser, always a cruiser. It’s an attitude. Sorry to see you disembarking Blue Moon but very excited to follow for your new adventures in Bonaire 🇧🇶.

  3. I have really enjoyed reading your posts Britta. I know your next chapter will be as amazing as the last. Enjoy the journey!! (Btw you are still a cruiser!!)
    John & Joan

  4. Dear Britta, I am your cousin Alexandra´s friend in Bogota and have realy enjoyed reading your posts and will miss them. Best of luck in your new life. Sounds like a great plan that I am sure you will enjoy. Best wishes. Marta

  5. Como dice la canción…”caminante no hay camino se hace camino al andar”. ¡Éxitos en tu nueva vida forjando nuevos caminos, sin mirar atrás! ¡Un abrazo bien fuerte!

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